Sunday, November 18, 2012

Doing Q and A after a talk

Sometimes it can be appropriate to include a Q and A session straight after a Bible talk.

But how to get the questions quickly?

Some will be comfortable to raise their hand and ask but others will value anonymity.

I saw it done well by my pastor this morning.

He started a series of evangelistic talks and wanted Q and A afterwards to give an opportunity for responses.

So we had a talk, and then a musical item while he and I sat on stage to be a panel.

His mobile number was flashed on screen so people could sms the question through during the musical item.


Friday, November 16, 2012

The voice of God and the Word of God

God's voice may be heard in many places:
  • In the intricacy, beauty, power, regularity, design and power of his physical creation, for the heavens declare the glory of God ...
  • In the inner voices of dreams, conscience and intuition as his Spirit whispers to us ...
  • In the words of Christian or even non-Christian people, for God can speak truth even through Balaam's ass or the devil.

God's Word is found in just one place.
  • It is in the words of the Bible as men were carried along by the Spirit of God and led to write the God-breathed words that are read in Scripture.

The wise person attends to God's voice as found above and does not despise it just because it is not in Scripture or because there is a clearer and more sure word in Scripture..

The same wise person also tests and interprets God's voice through the Scripture, precisely because it is God's Word, guaranteed by his Spirit and speaking with the clarity of God-breathed language.