Thursday, April 8, 2010

Review: A Day's March Nearer Home

Graham Miller; 'A Day's March Nearer Home', Banner of Truth 2010. (editor: Iain Murray)

Graham Miller was a notable NZ born servant of Christ in New Zealand, Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides), Australia and elsewhere.

This book is an edited autobiography which tells of his life and ministry as a pastor, missionary and teacher.

The intrinsic value of this book is in its subject, especially for those who knew Rev Miller and were blessed by his ministry. Graham Miller held a warm-hearted Biblical Christianity in which his reformed theology was always visible but with such graciousness of character.

The book is of interest not only for its revelations about the author, but also for the backdrop of Australasian church life through a significant period that impacts on the present.

There is a certain quaintness in Dr Miller's language and in some particulars of his ministry. However, in a day when the basic nature of pastoral ministry is again under criticism and revision, this book is worth reading for its insights into the core of pastoral ministry. The enduring themes are abiding prayerfulness, Bible-centredness and a deep love for God's work and God's people - coupled with a readiness to make big personal sacrifices.

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