Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The audacity of hope?

I have visited the USA several times in the last eight years to attend a Boston conference. This follows visits to other parts of the US in earlier years.
Below are some cumulative observations from my more recent visits.

• More foreign-made cars, comments on their superior quality and pessimism re local car manufacturing

• Pessimism re the economy and the prospects for the next generation (eg, folks talking about the US being on the Greek road of sinking under government indebtedness)

• People commenting on the inability to solve the of Mexico spill as a symbol of the limits to a hitherto ‘can do’ spirit

• Fear re the rise of China as the world super-power but one with no Christian heritage

• Conservatives opining that Iraq was a mistake and Afghanistan is a never-ending quagmire

• Conservative Christians saying that they were taken for a ride by the Republicans in the 1980s Moral Majority era and having no hope in the political process or parties

Is this the audacity of hope or its end?

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