Saturday, October 18, 2008

Review: Don Carson: Worship: Adoration and Action

D A Carson (edit), Worship: Adoration and Action (Wipf and Stock, 2002)

This book was first published in 1992 (Baker) and republished in 2002 (Wipf and Stock). It arose from a World Evangelical Fellowship Theological Consultation. The 13 contributors represent a range of denominational, theological and geographical perspectives. 

The book opens with good Biblical studies by Yoshiaki Hattori (OT) and David Peterson (NT). These are followed by a range of responses from various denominational etc perspectives. The level of responsiveness to the Biblical studies varies. The final installment (by Miroslav Volf) reviews the theology of worship from a systematic theology perspective. 

I found the introduction by Carson and the Peterson and Volf chapters compelling and think that its's worth getting the book just for them. The intermediate chapters vary greatly in quality and usefulness. As Carson notes in the Introduction, there is not as much interaction between the contributors as could have been. 

Let's hope this book stays in print, especially given the continuing confusion and conflict re worship. It is not a full theology of worship but has plenty of material that is grist for the theological mill.

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