Sunday, February 21, 2010

A prayer

Ascribe to me glory and strength.
Ascribe to me the glory due to God’s name;
Worship the splendor of my achievements, look at my face in the mirror – it is the face of beauty, success and self rule! I am in charge!

Forgive us, O Lord, for trying to usurp your throne, everyday. In words we say you are God, but in deeds, we prove we are God, until trouble comes.

You are Lord over all creation and life. Forgive us for inverting it all: Forgetting your power and authority, we seek to bend your will to ours.

You are our King. We exist for your glory and pleasure. But, we treat you as our subject. We call you when we need you. But have little time for your word, your presence and your voice otherwise. Forgive us.

You are the righteous judge. But we take it upon ourselves to judge others. Forgive us. Remind us that You will judge, and all will be called to account.

Thank you Father, for tempering your righteousness and power with mercy and love, so we are not destroyed for our impertinence.

Thank you that Jesus made amends for our sins once and for all, and now continues to intercede for us at your right hand.

Soften our hearts O God.

We know that nothing can be hidden from you, and your word discern the thoughts and intentions of our hearts.

Teach us to give you the honour and glory due to your name.

Remind us that man made idols are destroyed at your whim. Help us to treat you with proper reverence as our only God, and to fear your wrath.
Humble us to bow daily before you with contrite hearts and spirits.
Teach us to worship you by reading your word often, confessing our sins, and showing genuine repentance. Convict our hearts to see the hidden sins that grieve you. Strengthen us to move beyond lip service, to make a willed decision to change and obey you.
Help us to make time to rest in you. Satisfy us with holiness and joy. Quell our restlessness that we may hear your voice and receive your blessings.
Keep our eyes on the cross of Jesus and help us to number our days a right, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Show us how to love what you love, that our lives may be a fragrant offering to you.

Grant us strength and peace as we live in confidence of your salvation promise. Help us to persevere in faith and fruitfulness that we may make our place in heaven sure.

(Prayed at ORPC on 21 Feb 2010 - based on Ps 96)

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