Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The things we notice on social media

Just noticing.

When people post personal update or quirky items on face book, or personal photos - our comments abound.

But when social media is used for serious causes, we rarely bother to comment.

Is this a comment on the essence of social media ... a place to chill out and idly pass the time in digital chat?

Or is it a comment on humanity - happy to be entertained and diverted for a moment, but, please God - spare me from having to face the confronting stuff that reminds me of a painful world out there?

1 comment:

Gary Ware said...

I had the irresistible urge to comment on your post.
The effect of which I'm not sure now renders your comments as being 'quirky', whereas if I'd resisted and not commented they would have been considered 'serious'.
Thanks for the thought, in any case.