Monday, December 1, 2014

Valley of Vision review

Review: The Valley of Vision, Banner of Truth, 2002. Available as leather bound, paper bound or e-book from

Old books and devotional books are frequently a bore. Surely then, old devotional books will be the worst of the worst.

Not so with Valley of Vision. This is a selection of carefully chosen puritan prayers and devotions, arranged thematically as a kind of prayer book.

‘Puritans’ we ask. ‘Surely they are the dullest of the dullest and, besides, what is there to learn from past centuries?’.

‘Yes’, the puritans can be dull and ‘yes’ they are from another age. However, they were people who knew God deeply and knew the human heart with remarkable insight. And that is in sharp contrast to our day when Christian devotional publishing is more characterised by superficiality on the human condition and an awe-less flippancy towards God.

Valley of Vision is not a book to sit and read as though a novel or textbook. Nor is it a book whose prayers are to be merely recited. It is a book to prime the pump for prayer. It is a book to lead the praying Christian higher, deeper and wider. It is a book to refresh the tired and dry Christian. It is a book to give a vehicle of expression to the Christian who is filled with longing for and joy in the Lord but who cannot find the words.

This is a good book with good words.

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