Thursday, March 4, 2010

The heart of preaching

In this day it is tempting to say that preachers don't need to do their own hard heart work on th text of Scripture. Through a thousand and one sources, preachers can access easily accessed and highly digestible summaries, analysis and commentaries on the text along with neat homiletical packages.

But, can there ever be a substitute for a preacher who ...
Sweats the hard stuff with the text until he uncovers the message from the heart of God that disturbs and comforts his own heart?

Labours prayerfully for the 'line' and application that speaks the word of the Lord to this people?

Pours his heart into careful and prayerful preparation and practice with the script?

Preaches from the heart of God whom he loves, to the heart of these people whom he also loves?

Pastors as he preaches and preaches as he pastors - the heart of God through the heart of a man and to the hearts of God's people?

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