Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Facebook posts I should not make.

I think that Facebook is great.  My family and friends are scattered all over the globe and Fb is a wonderful means to keep track and keep in contact wherever I may be.

However there are appropriate and inappropriate uses of Fb. It's not the place for personal put-downs. Or divisive disputes.  Or the show-off kind of remark: 'thanking God for my new Ferrari' or ' checking in from the titanium lounge before my first class flight'. Or for things best said or seen in private between loved ones.

It's not hard to get it right on Fb.

Just remember that there are people made in God's image at the other end. Ask: 'how can I love the Lord and my neighbour in my post?'.  Or, use the Bible guidelines (here adapted) from the  Puritans: does my post glorify God; does it build others up in the gospel; does it avoid giving unnecessary offence; is it in decent and good order?

I thank God for the tool of Fb.  However, like all tools it's up to the user to use it in a way that reflects who we are and what we stand for.  Let's use it for good and think before we post.

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